4 tips for working from home with Microsoft Teams
This blog outlines four best practices for working from home and using Teams to make your remote work productive. Tips include details on making the most of your virtual meetings, reminders on being inclusive, advice on using chats to collaborate, and information on customizing your workspace.
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4 tips for working from home with Microsoft Teams
published by Square28 Technologies LLC
Square28 Technologies aims to "smarten your life" with our wide range of IT expertise. Our professionals have over 15 years of experience leveraging technology to achieve desired outcomes. With service-first values, our clients have come to trust us as a technology partner and trusted adviser for their homes and small to mid sized businesses.
Our Approach
To many, dealing with technology can be overwhelming and stressful. We understand that you just want everything to function as intended. Square28 strives to remove the complexity of technology while speaking in a language you can comprehend (no geek speak). We’ll seek first to understand your challenges and goals, then establish a plan, placing carefully selected technologies to work for you.